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This certificate is valid from 5 July 2012 until 4 July 2017 Issue 1. Certified since July 2012 Authorised by SGS South Africa (Pty) Ltd, Qualifor Programme PO Box 82582 Southdale 2135, 58 Melvill Street Booysens Johannesburg 2091 South Africa t +27 (0) 11 681-2537 f +27 (0) 11 681-2543 The validity of this certificate shall be verified
SGS is the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company. SGS is recognised as the global benchmark for quality and integrity. With more than 89,000 employees, SGS operates a network of over 2,600 offices and laboratories around the world. SGS provides solutions across all industries. SGS Slovakia spol.
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Certified since July 2012 Authorised by SGS South Africa (Pty) Ltd, Qualifor Programme PO Box 82582 Southdale 2135, 58 Melvill Street Booysens Johannesburg 2091 South Africa t +27 (0) 11 681-2537 f +27 (0) 11 681-2543 The validity of this certificate shall be verified
Specifying the certificate number or the licence holder you can search here for certificates issued by us and assess their validity. For certificates of Functional Safety, you can also search by specifying the license holder, the product or standards. On the safe side - with the quality management concept of SGS …
How To Apply For the Certificate of Conformity. The process of applying for a Certificate of Conformity involves the following stages: 1.During the production stage, the exporter needs to apply to a Certified Body, such as Intertek or SGS, or Accredited Lab to test the products according to SASO standards. Ginger, a leading hospitality chain in India, has partnered with SGS, the world's leading inspection, testing, verification and certification company, to undertake Operational Assessment Program to perpetually monitor and improve overall compliance in the areas of Cleaning, Food & Beverage hygiene, Sanitation, Personal Hygiene, Contactless Service and Social Distancing.
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